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Wonderings, Wanderings, Musings and Ponderings...

Weekly Wonder Nature Adventures for Parent and Young Child

Weekly wonders and podcast transcripts for the young at heart by
Kristin Addington Culpepper
Weave Sunshine Publishing founder, parenting expert and author

Mother and Daughter

Want to Take the Planning Out of Your Next Activity With
Your Little One?

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The Weekly Wonders are meant to be pondered alongside your little ones through exploration and play. So head outside and follow some animal tracks. Take your binoculars to look for evidence. Follow those trails, see what's around that bend.. allow yourselves to be wild and free!


Check out relevant library books (my monthly seasonal booklists will be of assistance) and
dig in. Let 
yourselves wander and see what you can discover in this big, beautiful world of ours!

Can You Feel the Excitement?
I’m Launching My 1st Book!

Wanna join me on this adventure? Click the button below if you and your little ones would like to meet the lonely toadstool and his friends! 

Sending Sunshine!

- Kristin

 Celebrating The Lonely Toadstool Book Release


The Weekly Wonder will return once The Lonely Toadstool makes its way into the world and onto bookshelves near you!

For now, catch up on existing blog posts & podcast episodes below, and make sure to purchase The Lonely Toadstool!

Want to Take the Planning Out of Your Next Activity With Your Little One? Choose From Two Different Bookmark Designs and Get Creative!

Weaving Sunshine

freely, authentically, and aligned...

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